Music 1

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 3, 2011

 Hello everyone!

So this one is going to be quick cuz I don't have much time but this week I went proselyting! It was great! We unfortunately weren't able to go to the plaza because it was raing really hard so we just went around the MTC and contacted people on the street and knocked on peoples doors! It was great! We talked to like 30 people and even gave out a whole bunch of Books of Mormon to people.  Me and Elder Johansen went together. Two gringos! So crazy. The spirit was very strong. Unfortunately this is all I have time for but next week I will be in the field and will write more next week. I love all of you and know this church is true. Please read 1 Nefi 15: 13 and 14. it is about the work I am doing right now! So crazy! I love you all and will talk to you soon!

Love, Elder Yates

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