Hey!!!! So yep, tomorrow we have changes and I got the lovely little phone call from my Mission President and the Lord has chosen me to train. So that means that I will be staying in my area and Elder Sanchez is leaving. To where? solo Dios sabe. But I'm sure he will love it. But my next weeks email should be better because I will tell you all about my newbie!! But what do you think? Gringo or Latino? hmmmm.....
So this past week has been a real treat. I got to do divisions twice this week. The first time I went with my zone leader Elder Hansen from Utah. It was so much fun and I learned a ton. He is a great missionary. We even woke up at 5 in the morning to work out at a local gym. I now look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ha! Then on Friday I got the chance to do divisions with Elder Owens, a missionary that entered with me. His comp is having some problems and I wanted my comp to go to his area so that the comp of Elder Owens could lead the area and I could see how well he does. So that was also a fun divisions. I am learning a lot from other missionaries!
So I told you about my experience of praying and telling God that I am here for him. Well one day this past week, we were going through another hard time. It was raining and nobody was in the street so we decided to knock doors and nobody was answering the door and it was just frustrating. ''God, I can't do this anymore. Nobody is home and they don't want anything. I just can't do this anymore.'' I said out loud. Then I felt the words ''You can do this. You have to. You promised me you would.'' And I knew that that was God reminding me of the promise I made to him. It was a spiritual experience for me that I wanted to share with you. It was really cool. I kept working and we ended up having a great day after. I love my Father in Heaven. :)
Well folks. Thats about a wrap here. I am so glad that everything is going good there in them good ol United States. Keep working hard. Smile and laugh and keep doing what your Heavenly Father wants you to do and you will be blessed. Study hard in school and get good grades. Mkay? I love you alllllllllll!!!!!!!
Elder Yates
My District
Elder Yates and Elder Owens
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